Month: January 2013

  • Happy 2013!

    2013 Year of Love by Hand-Painted Weddings

    2013 will be the year of love here at Hand-Painted Weddings. I intend on approaching everything in my life with an open heart. On a personal note, 2012 was majorly exhausting as my to-do list was unforgivable. This year, my focus will be on the contribution and the love it contains.

    I am going to treat this intention like I treat my intentions during yoga class…I have created the intention and now I’m going to let it go. Give it to a higher force, bigger than me, and see what happens.

    Wondering what this painting is above? It is actually a zoomed in painting of a very unique find I purchased at Whole Foods the other day. Check back in tomorrow to see the full painting.

    Happy New Year! Happy 2013! May your year be filled with love!

    Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.