Made my Day

  • Weird Looking Fruit

    Buddha's Hand Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings

    Painting and photos by Hand-Painted Weddings.

    The other day I walked into Whole Foods and saw a display of these outrageously cool fruits! I had never seen anything like them before! Well, maybe at the aquarium amongst the coral reefs. As soon as I saw this fruit I knew I had to share it with you all on this blog because it is just too cool not to share.

    I learned from the cashier that this fruit is called a Buddha’s hand, which tickled my fancy because it does look like a hand reaching out (albeit with tentacles). The skin was lemon-like in texture and had a strong citrus smell. To be honest, I did not eat the Buddha’s hand, but I had a lot of fun painting it!

  • Peace

    I have this quote on my fridge and on the home screen of my cell phone. It is a favorite of mine. It speaks to me. It is something I need constant reminding of. I know it is antithetical, but peace is challenging. It is something that I cultivate through yoga and self-exploration and realization. Peace is a big thing I am reflecting on this Autumn. What are you reflecting on this Autumn?

    Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings. Quote by Unknown.

  • Autumn in Philly

    Autumn in Philly is lovely. The beautiful tree-lined streets in Society Hill start to brighten as the leaves change colors and soon litter the sidewalk. Potted mums and pumpkins adorn people’s stoops. Layered sweaters, scarfs, and cute boots adorn passer-bys. The smell of old fireplaces being turned on for the first time in the season is intoxicating to all around.

    As the season comes to a close, I thought it would be appropriate to pull out this painting I did last year of an early Autumn glimpse of Pine Street in the Society Hill/Washington Square West neighborhood.

    Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.