Month: August 2012

  • Hand-Painted Invitation: Lavender

    The Lavender Invitation is very breezy and calm. It evokes warm afternoons wandering through the quiet rustle of lavender fields.

    This invitation is feeling a bit like traditional flower invitations, but takes on a painterly approach. The painterly approach allows it to feel more relaxed and breezy. This would be perfect for a couple who loves summertime and wants to incorporate this lovely, calming herb into their big day. This would also be perfect if the couple was moved by the expansive lavender fields in Provence.

    In case you didn’t recognize it, this is the finished painting from the work in progress painting I posted yesterday.

    The Lavender Invitation is available for ordering under the Hand-Painted Weddings Shop Invitations tab.

  • Work in Progress: Lavender with background wash

    Above you will see a sneak peak of my progress on a new painting. Here I have used masking fluid to block off the lavender plant, so I could put a beautiful, warm wash on top of it. I’m excited to see how the bright blues and purples contrast with the warm yellows and oranges of the background.

    Expect to see more works in progress around here! I like them a lot. I think it is interesting to see the progression into a finished piece. Watercolor can get a bit messy and I want to show that part of it too!

    Lavender wedding invitation now available on the Hand-Painted Weddings invitation shop.