Sometimes I’m lucky enough to work on baby shower stationery and signs. This past May I worked with Truly You Events and the (at the time) mom-to-be on a dreamcatcher themed baby shower, which was inspired by the parents’ recent trip to Sedona. Sedona is a magical place…I adore it…so I knew this shower was going to be magical as well. So magical in fact that Hostess with the Mostess featured it on their blog today.
Later I will share some more photos of this lovely event, but for now you must take a second a scroll through this beautiful party on Hostess with the Mostess!
I love the creative ideas clients come to me with for commissioned watercolor gifts! This client is the mother of the bride. The idea was for a surprise anniversary gift for her daughter and son in law.
Their wedding invitation used thermography for the text and was a simple text only design printed on a thick white board. The idea was to paint their reception site on their invitation. They got married at the popular gothic style castle in the Philadelphia suburbs called the Merion Tribute House.
I met with the client in person and we excitedly went through her wedding photos from her daughter’s wedding. I shared a couple of sketched layouts and we decided to go with the layout above because it was the most colorful. The Merion Tribute house, being castle like, has a lot of gray stonework, so zooming in on the beautiful red door, stained glass windows, and greenery around the entrance brought a lot of nice colors to the watercolor. As you can see in one of the zoomed in photos, I added some silver metallic watercolor to the windows which added a nice shimmer to the piece.
What I liked about this project was that it was very similar to what I create for clients for their wedding invitations but it was almost like a retrospective because the wedding had already occurred.