Made My Day: Red wild flowers
Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.
Over the weekend, I went to a different farmer’s market than I usually visit on the weekends since I was going to the Renaissance Faire during my usual farmer’s market time. Side note: The Renaissance Faire is so fun! I totally recommend visiting one if you get the chance. We went to the Renaissance Faire in Lancaster, PA, which is connected to a winery….yum! We even dressed up in Renaissance attire this year. You should have seen the looks we got when we stopped at a rest stop along the way for Starbucks!
Anyways, back to the farmer’s market…there was a lovely vendor selling bouquets of wild flowers mixed with sunflowers and zinnias. The bouquets looked so cheerful, I had to have one. Unfortunately, the bouquet didn’t last long but I was able to get a painting of these small red flowers I had never seen before as the leaves started to wilt. I am loving how this painting resembles botanical watercolors in it composition.