• Thanksgiving Day Cards

    Why aren’t there more Thanksgiving cards? Why isn’t Thanksgiving as synonymous with cards as Christmas? It is a time to spread gratitude and love to the people in your life, just as Christmas cards spread cheer and joy to the people you love. Interesting, right?

    Hey, I’m just as guilty about this. I did not create a Thanksgiving Day card this year. I am, however, creating at least one Christmas Card design. Maybe it is because the two holidays are so close to one another, and there are so many activities stuffed into this short time frame that people can’t imagine another task for their to-do list?

    Above are a few of my favorite Thanksgiving Day cards I’ve seen this season. It is probably too late to purchase these fine cards from the companys’ online sites, but check out your local fancy paper store to see if they stock any of these beautiful cards.

    Next year I’m definitely designing a Thanksgiving Day card!

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4

  • Hand-Painted Weddings Desk Calendar

    I’m in the midst of designing my first calendar! This calendar will be in the shop (hopefully) by the end of the month! I’m a huge fan of desk calendars and am pretty excited to have my very own calendar on my desk all year.

    Also, I have been having a lot of fun practicing my calligraphy skills…not too shabby, right?!

    Photo by Hand-Painted Weddings.

  • Inspired by Things Organized Neatly

    I pinned the watercolor swatches image (top image) a couple of months ago on my Pinterest Watercolor board. Recently I clicked to see where this incredible image came from and was happily delighted to see it came from this wonderful Tumblr site called Things Organized Neatly.

    You simply must check out this site! As someone who is not naturally organized (I consider myself organic), I find these displays fascinating. Lately I have been observing how other designers display and photograph their work for their website, and I think that this Tumblr site holds a lot of inspiring ideas I can bring to this aspect of my work.

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6