• Inspired by “In the Make” blog

    In the Make blog is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. For one, the concept is beautiful….capturing and cherishing the spirit of the artist, their art, and their studio space in a absolutely stunning way. The photographs are honestly my favorite part. The artists behind this blog photograph very candid, authentic glimpses of these artist’s spaces. Above are a few photos of artist’s tools, which are beautifully messy yet perfect. I’d highly recommend checking out this blog this weekend. The photographs of the artists and their art are not to be missed!

    All photos from In the Make blog.

  • Textures Study

    Paintings by Hand-Painted Weddings.

    I’ve been playing around with the textures in watercolor lately. Mixing techniques of washes with loose brushstrokes, and watching what naturally happens as the paint interacts on the paper. I’ve also been playing around with the beauty of mixing in complementary colors into scenes as accents, as seen above when I add red to the green.

  • Nostalgic for Italy

    Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.

    My husband is going on a weeklong trip to Rome next week with his MBA class, and it has me nostalgic for my last trip to Italy. This is a painting I did of the view at the edge of the island of Burano in Venice. This painting is very different from the first Burano painting I featured on this blog here, and can be purchased here.

    If you walk through the streets of Burano you will be welcomed by colorful buildings and beautiful canals, but if you go to the edge, your view is serene and calming. It is just remarkable!