
  • Hand-Painted Reception: Antique Bird Cages

    There are so many options with an Antique Bird Cage/Lovebirds theme wedding. This creates a fantastic opportunity to interpret the theme in many ways. Design elements that can vary up this theme can include using feathers, twigs (like a nest), birds, bird seed, or you can really go all out on the antique aspect of the bird cages with all sorts of antique items.

    I used elements of the bird cage theme in my own wedding a couple of years back. The top photo is from our gift envelope “box”, where guests could slide their envelopes into the cage. We also put two lovebirds on the top of the wedding cake my talented mom made (but I will share more about that in another post).

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    Antique Bird Cage wedding invitation now available on the Hand-Painted Weddings invitation shop.