Month: March 2013

  • Spring is Hatching

    Easter inspiration curated by Hand-Painted Weddings

    What beautiful weather we just had in Philadelphia this past weekend! Open windows, crisp (dare I say, warm) air flooding into people’s homes for maybe the first time this year.

    Oh, and the flowers! While not blooming so much outside yet, definitely blooming inside stores. Flowers seem to be on everyone’s minds lately as people crave the approaching Spring season.

    Another holiday is around the corner as well, for those celebrating Easter! Above is some beautiful inspiration for your Spring or Easter tablescape, or even your Spring wedding, all captured at Terrain.

  • And just like that…life gets quiet.

    Life Gets Quiet. Hand-Painted Weddings Photos of Terrain by Hand-Painted Weddings Priorities Change. by Hand-Painted Weddings

    This past Saturday I went to a new ice skating rink with my husband for a fun, little excursion. I’m pretty steady on my skates (no pro, mind you, but pretty steady). I remember having a conversation with Carl about not wanting to fall; to which he is like…if you fall just let yourself fall, and he continues to fall on the ice right in front of me to prove his point. That is my husband…spontaneous and fearless. Me? I had never fallen on the ice before.

    Well, that was until this past Saturday. A five-year old girl and an older man were crossing paths perpendicular to the flow of skaters (one going to the center of the rink, the other leaving), neither seeing me. I try to flow between them, but loss my balance. I fall. My right foot released to the ice, my left foot stays still until “snap”. I do as all people who just take a plunge do, I try to remain calm and do a physical inventory. It wasn’t until my husband dropped on the ground and picked up my left foot in his hands that I noticed it…my left foot was completely floppy. I was a little freaked out to say the least! Thank goodness my husband saw the whole thing happen and he very assertively insisted for help, to call 911. I was so calm that I think people misunderstood how hurt I actually was. All I knew was that someone had to hold my foot upright and still because I couldn’t.

    So, long story short, I broke my tibia and fibula bones right above my ankle and had surgery to put plates and pins in place. Now, my most prevalent position is lying on my back with my foot elevated. I get from spot to spot by crutches and I’m not leaving the house for who knows how long.

    What I find unbelievable is that as crazy busy my life seemed to be Saturday morning before the fall, now it is completely quiet. Was it all an allusion? Were my priorities all wrong? Well, I believe that this is the opportunity of my current condition…to ask these questions.

    While my bones grow back together, will I be in the same place I left them in before the fall?

    Right before ice skating, we took a trip to my favorite store, Terrain at Styers. These are a few of my photos above.

    Mini Roses by Hand-Painted Weddings

  • Inspired by John Lovett’s New Book

    Reading Watercolor book - Hand-Painted Weddings

    Reading Watercolor book - Hand-Painted Weddings

    When I saw that John Lovett, a super-talented watercolor artist from Australia, came out with a book, I just knew I had to get my hands on it! It doesn’t disappoint. I can’t wait to play around with his styles and techniques and bring them into my work. Loads of inspiration flying from this book already and I only received it this week!

    If you want to buy the book yourself or view a video that flips through the pages of this book, go here.