Month: February 2013

  • In the Studio: Snow Peaked Mountains

    New Zealand Snowy Mountains Watercolor by Hand-Painted Weddings

    Much of the Northeast experienced a blizzard this past weekend….but not Philadelphia. We got a mere flurry. It wasn’t so bad because I was able to attend two 2 hour yoga workshops and my first ever curling class (it was a blast!)

    To make up for the lack of snow in Philadelphia this past weekend, I decided to paint this landscape of the snowy peaks in New Zealand. My husband’s Aunt was going through her photos from her Australia/New Zealand trip a few weeks back with me and I was stunned by her New Zealand country photos. This watercolor was based off of my favorite photo from her set.

    More information on Commissioned watercolor gifts, click here.

  • Hand-Painted Winter Frost Wedding Reception

    Winter Frost Reception curated by Hand-Painted WeddingsWinter Frost Reception curated by Hand-Painted Weddings

    The Winter Frost wedding reception is hand-painted with glittery silvers, delicate whites, and frosty blues. Pine cones, white taper candles, snow globes, and of course piles of white snow adorn the Winter Frost reception. Hot chocolate and mulled wine are cozy, festive options to add to your catering package.

    Consider having your Winter Frost reception at a lodge, ski resort, or winter inn, where you can enjoy an entire winter weekend with your guests and spend the late hours of the night chatting over a fireplace. Spend the next day on a skiing excursion or winter hike through the woods!

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    Winter Frost invitation now available on the Hand-Painted Weddings Invitation shop.

  • Hand-Painted Winter Frost Invitation

    Winter Frost Invitation by Hand-Painted Weddings

    The Hand-Painted Winter Frost invitation is a beautiful choice for your winter wedding! In the Northeast this season we’ve been lucky enough to to have quite a few mini flurry storms. This means that the grass keeps this thin beautiful layer of snow on it, but the roads stay pretty clear because it has snowed so little at one time. I like how this invitation is so uniquely different than the Hand-Painted Winter Berry Invitation. Both have winter nature elements in their paintings, but their color palettes vary from warm and cozy to cool and frosted. I love the light blue and soft purple color palette of the Winter Frost invitation. It is a beautiful cool transition into the soft pastels of early spring!

    The Hand-Painted Winter Frost invitation is now available in the shop.