
  • Lily Commissioned Watercolor Painting

    Lily painting by Hand-Painted WeddingsHappy Friday! Today I’m sharing a commissioned watercolor painting of this pretty golden lily plant I created awhile back. I’m pretty surprised I didn’t share this painting earlier…I think it was because this painting was a surprise birthday gift for someone and I didn’t want to spill the beans!

    I love the overall warmth of this painting as well as the depth and perspective in the background. This commissioned watercolor painting was created based on a photograph the client took at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Side note…I’m totally that person taking crazy amounts of photos at the Flower Show too!

    The weather has turned exceptionally warm and sunny this week in Philadelphia and this painting seems to resonate with that warmth. If you are you interested in purchasing a commissioned watercolor, contact me for more information. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Vintage Damask Ombre Bridal Portrait

    Damask Ombre Vintage Bride by Hand-Painted WeddingsI painted this bridal portrait of a vintage bride to coordinate with the Damask wedding invitation.

    Her short, puffy dress with modest sleeves is inspired by the dresses of the 1950s, when damask was all the rage. I also made sure she was stylish with the times by wearing a vintage Juliet veil that ended around the waist along with her dainty white gloves.

    This bride’s fiery red hair and pouted lips leave you wondering what this bride is thinking as she glances over her shoulder for the bridal portrait. This bride feels very Mad Men inspired with how fashionable and yet modest she is on her wedding day.

    I love painting these bridal portraits, and would love to do more of them, so if this keepsake strikes your fancy, contact me for more information. Please note that I would work from a photograph.

    Damask Ombre Vintage Bride bridal illustration portrait painted by Hand-Painted Weddings.

  • Featured Watercolor Art in Hatch.co Mother’s Day Campaign

    Hand-Painted Weddings art on Hatch Mother's Day campaign Hand-Painted Weddings art on Hatch Mother's Day campaignI am excited to share that I recently created some watercolor washes for Hatch.co‘s Mother’s Day campaign. For these watercolors I was inspired by the soft pastels of spring. I also played around with some layering of the watercolors as seen in the second page above.

    Hatch is a website full of creative and talented makers, and I am so grateful to have my artwork spotlighted in this special campaign for Mother’s Day. Support makers and shop now for your unique Mother’s Day gifts on Hatch.co…Mother’s Day is right around the corner!

  • Breathe – Wed Altered Painting

    Breathe painting by Hand-Painted WeddingsThe air is crisp and cold; the leaves are floating off branches; winter is approaching. Fall always feels like the most fleeting season up here in Philadelphia. Maybe it is because all of the transformation in nature, which inspires transformation in people’s lives. It is easy to get wrapped up in life. I have found myself sighing and taking deep inhales of breath as I get wrapped up in life lately, so here is a little painting I did while at the vendor table at Wed Altered. It is just a little reminder to breathe. Have a beautiful day!

    Commissioned watercolor painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.

  • Inspired by Watercolor Patterns

    Watercolor Pattern Inspiration curated by Hand-Painted WeddingsThere are so many inspiring watercolor artists out there. I think this is why my Watercolor board on Pinterest has a whopping 524 pins and counting. Today I want to feature a few watercolor pattern artists I admire. Pattern designers create artwork that makes its way into textile designs. Fashion is art, but when you have a watercolor pattern decorating your dress, handbag, jeans, or top….well, then you just pumped up the art factor!

    What I love so much about watercolor patterns is that the spacing within the pattern isn’t identical. As with all watercolor art, there is an organic nature to watercolor patterns that lead to its beauty.

    Be sure to follow my Watercolor Pinterest board for more inspiring watercolor patterns.

    Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Practicing the Art of Calligraphy

    Calligraphy Tools by Hand-Painted Weddings

    Hand-Painted Weddings calligraphyI have been loving practicing with my new calligraphy tools. Currently I have been using the Brause Steno nib (shown), which is also called “Blue Pumpkin” because it has a blue hue to it. (How cute is that?) And I have tried practicing with the Brause Extra Fine 66 nib. This is a very small, surprisingly flexible nib, but I am not as crazy over the smaller nib holder, so I haven’t been using it as much. I’m sure once I’m back on my feet and can start shopping fine art stores in person (rather than just online), I will find a nib holder that is a bit more comfortable for me, so I can get more use out of the EF66 nib.

    I am practicing calligraphy by copying samples of some of my most admired calligraphers in order to grasp the idiosyncrasies of each letter and to practice different styles and techniques. Then once I’m “warmed up” I usually start my own lettering, which is where I came up with Hand-Painted Weddings in calligraphy (shown above). I am definitely flirting with the idea of changing my logo to use this new type treatment. I would definitely add a watercolor element to it, but what do you think? I fear changing my logo when I have only been using my current logo for less than a year, but feel that this hand-painted version may be more authentic to my brand.

    I’d love your thoughts in the Comments section if you feel so obliged!

    Paintings and Calligraphy by Hand-Painted Weddings.


  • Manhattan

    Manhattan Bridge painting by Hand-Painted Weddings

    A dear friend of mine is moving to New York City. She’ll be living in Manhattan, starting a new job, and be experiencing many new adventures for sure….she is a very lucky girl.

    I’m also a very lucky girl to call her my friend! She has been there for me through the thick and thin the past few years. We’ve shared an office, a neighborhood, our addiction to coffee, carpooled for a bit of time, and many nights over a glass (or 2) of wine. She is one of those friends that just gets me, even when I don’t get me.

    I’m going to miss having her so nearby but can’t wait to see how our friendship changes. I’ll likely be enjoying more weekends in NYC once I’m back on my feet again, which I can’t wait for!

    When she moved into my neighborhood I painted her a watercolor of a street in Philadelphia…Pine Street to be specific…as a housewarming gift. This was one of the original watercolors I did before starting Hand-Painted Weddings. It only seemed appropriate to paint her a watercolor of NYC to add to her budding collection. The view in this painting is from a street in Brooklyn looking towards the Manhattan Bridge with the Empire State building peeping through the archway.

    Painting by Hand-Painted Weddings.